Essence march 2014 | Page 12



According to Shannel Mariano from Latest Hairstyles in her article “25 Pretty Hairstyles That Are Always in Style” in February 26, 2014, “Being a girl is super fun! We get to dress up, do make up, nails, smell good…the list goes on and on! Our favorite of that list is. Of course, doing our hair!”

Hair is the one part of our body; most of the girls want to look fashionable. The way we have our hair basically it defines us, and for all girls and women’s it is very important to make look their hair pretty.

The hair is a little bit delicate so we need to learn how to maintain our hair healthy and with style, without mistreat our hair.

To maintain our hair healthy it is very important. Here are some tips the way we can maintain our hair healthy.

1-Wash your hair correctly: Try not to wash your hair every single day, and try to not use the same shampoo each day, its is better to have 3 or 4 shampoos and used them one or two days each.

2-Just a bit of conditioner: Try not to use a lot of conditioner, its is very important to apply only in the tips, for best results you can leave like 2 or 3 minutes before you rinse it off.

3-Cool Water: Try to wash your hair in the coolest way you can, or if not try to give a final rinse of cool water.

4-Dry your hair carefully: Try to avoid wringing your hair with the towel after shower, its better you dry your hair with a blow dryer as long as you maintain some distance.

5-Brush you hair: Avoid brushing your hair while its wet, this can mistreat your hair and make it weak, causing it to break and fall.

And the last one; Give your hair some special treatments: If you give special treatments to your hair, it would be healthy and perfect.