Essays | Page 3

1st Mixed Team

Topic 1:Why do people radicalized?

Mentor:Rosanna Torselli (I.I.S.S. “E.Fermi” Italy

2nd Mixed Team

Topic2: Connection between Radicalisation and Terrorism

Mentor:Ewa Drusbalska Kopka- Zespol Szkol nr 1 im. Kazimierza Wielkiego,Poland

3rd Mixed Team

Topic 3:Avoding Exclusion by Promoting Inclusion

Mentor:Ünsal Saper-Zile Fen Lisesi-Tokat,Turkey

4th Mixed Team

Topic 4:Why do people become polarized?

Mentor:Nancy Gkiotli 1o ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΟΥ-ΚΟΡΔΕΛΙΟΥ –Greece

5th Mixed Team

Topic 5:Accepting the others who have different cultural,ethnic or religious backgrounds

Mentor: Marian Luca – Liceul Teoretic “Ion Slavici,Romania

6th Mixed Team

Topic 6:How to Overcome Cultural Stereotyping

Mentor:Ewa Drusbalska Kopka- Zespol Szkol nr 1 im. Kazimierza Wielkiego,Poland


Teams and Topics