Essays | Page 25

Every country is diffrent and have diffrent cultures. I think everyone should be tolerant and have respect for each other, no matter what culture youre from. No one should judge anyone else because of their background or religion, and everyone should be treated equally.


People can have belong to different cultures but this doesn’t give us the right to look down on them.I think people should learn to respect to differnt cultures or beliefs.If you respect others then you are respected by others.The people who only support their own beliefs cannot respect the other’s thoughts whereas the civilized people are the ones who know to respect the others."

(Sedanur Tezel)

Cultures vary from nation to nation.Everyone should tolerate each other.Everyone's culture is different from the others and this is normal.

(Nida Sinemiz Pekgöz)

“People can have belong to different cultures but this doesn’t give us the right to look down on them.I think people should learn to respect to differnt cultures or beliefs.If you respect others then you are respected by others.The people who only support their own beliefs cannot respect the other’s thoughts whereas the civilized people are the ones who know to respect the others."


People with different cultural backgrounds do have lower tolerance towards each other. That is because they do not know much about the others lifestyle and culture, witch makes it easier to missunderstand and judge the other "group". I think that is very sad. Everyone should respekt each other. The differences is what makes us who we are and that is a good thing. What if everyone looked the same, did the same and liked the same things. That would be very boring. So stopp judging others, instead get to know them. Then the world would be a much better place. It is not that hard to make a difference!


Culture is a system of shared beliefs that are used by a society in order to interact with the world, as well as with each other. Cultures is a part of history. We can't judge people because they got different culture of us. We have to understand other's beliefs. People should not be hostile on other's religion,race,language or skin colour.


As I see it, tolerance means respecting each other equally, not caring about what

religion we are part of. There should not be labels between us even if we do

not come from the same culture. True tolerance means more than a simple lack of

bias, however, and at its core means respecting an opinion contrary to our own

and is tightly knit with a person’s freedom. Tolerance can be learned by

accepting people of another culture into your group, hearing out the opinions

and suggestions of others and mutual respect.

(Lorena Negoita)

People have many differences. Culture is these differences. Culture is lifestyle. Every nation's culture is different. Every nation's lifestyle, traditions, behaviors are different. So their cultures are different. People should respect each other's national values ​​and cultures. People should be tolerant of each other's values ​​without discriminating between religion, language and race

(Aslı Şen)

Raising tolerance towards people who have different cultural background

11th Team