Espresso Machine - Saeco Espresso Machine | Breville | Delonghi Tips For Choosing The Right Espresso Machine | Page 6

E S P R E S S O M AC H I N E – T H E D I F F E R E N T T Y P E S O F M AC H I N E ❖ Choose one that gives you great control over your espresso. Before comparison here are some questions to ask yourself, does it have the feature I’m looking for? Is there a time for the espresso? How experienced am I when it comes to coffee brewing? Does the machine have an automatic whipped cream dispenser? These will guide you in choosing the right espresso machine for you. If you enjoy high-quality espresso, then you probably will want to invest in the highest quality espresso machine. ❖ Another factor that drives you into getting the right machine is how passionate you are about your favorite coffee beverage. In this case, you don’t mind spending a little extra dollar just to get a high-quality espresso machine that offers long-lasting performance. For starters, you can find cheap espresso machine for around $150. You can start with these types of machine particularly if you are on a budget.