eSphincter The Final eSphincterr | Page 2

Welcome to this f irst exclusive copy of Isolation eSphincter! A s m a l l n o t e f r o m t h e E d i t o r: I'm Fru, your 2020-21 LMSS Publications Sec. This means I'll be writing the Freshers Guide for the new intake of Freshers as well as the Winter and Spring issues of the Sphincter! I've had such a fun time collating this edition - I hope you have as much fun reading the great submissions. Sadly Joom only accepts PDFs so I couldn't make this issue as interactive as I hoped but I've tried my best with hyperlinks so have a click of them and see what happens! The hyperlinks are underlined, bold and dark blue. This edition focuses on what you've been getting up to during isolation and all of your pets. I've included my two pets, Mitsy the c a t a n d Te d d y ( b e a r ) t h e d o g b e l ow. I h o p e y o u f i n d t h e m a s s w e e t as I do. D u r i n g i s o l a t i o n t h ey 've b o t h k e p t m e s a n e ( Te d d y e s p e c i a l l y s i n c e the whole house is taking him on a walk per day!) I've spent isolation reading, learning to do the splits, cycling a l l ov e r a n d m a k i n g t h i s m a g a z i n e f o r y o u a l l t o e n j oy. H e r e's a collection of pics to sum up my day to day activities: Enjoy this issue + remember to 4-5 6-7 8 8 9 10 11 Meet the committee Ros' Recommendations Help your local NHS Learn BLS Mid Course Highlights Pet Corner The Medical School Faculty's: Who's Who's 12 A message from our sponsor Elsevier 13 A Poem- A Mad Dash 13 Donation Appeal 1 4 -1 5 PUZ Z L E S PUZ Z L E S 16 S TAY S A F E AT H O M E CONTENTS PUZ Z L E S Destination Budapest 17 18 19 20-21 22-25 26 27 28-29 30-31 32 A message from our sponsor the RAZ Quarantine reads A message from our sponsor Indextra Medical specialities by their coffee order Liverpool Medical school and beyond Instagram page review Cuban nights 7 wonders of Chorley Book recommendations Post lockdown Liverpool food crawl ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Fru xxx A huge shout out to our sponsors: The RAZ, ELSEVIER and INDEXTRA They make it possible that we have physical copies of the Sphincter during term time MITSY HAVING A DRINK H T T P S://I M G U R.C O M/A/ P 8 U AY R 5 THIS IS ME ON A QUARATINE CYCLE WITH MY BICYCLE, MIST Y COCOA THIS IS TEDDY If you have any submissions for these magazines then feel free to send them to: [email protected] Like The Sphincter on Facebook: Follow us on 2 Instagram: @sphinctermagazine Our article writers+ artists: Dr John O'Donell, Madeleine Upham, Rosalind Rashid, William B e d s o n , M e g a n R i g b y, Po o j a Pa t e l , A m r i t a S h e r g i l l , A n i s h B a g a l t o r e , I m o g e n P a r k e r, J e s s Catchpole and Paige Hall Our Pet Picture senders: LMSS Committee + M a d e l e i n e U p h a m , H e b e B r o w n , H e a t h e r To d d , Bethany Conlon, Alice Ismail and Helen Nixon Other miscellaneous items: Catherine Needs and Bethany Conlon And a special thank you to The University of Liverpool Medical Faculty PROWLING THROUGH THE JUNGLE 3