Esox Ecosse - Issue 55 May. 2014 | Page 7

EsoxEcosse Magazine 7 committee reports YOUR SUPPORT AT THIS AGM WOULD BE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED yOUR PAAS COMMITTEE To all Pike Anglers Alliance for Scotland members As already intimated on the website of PAAS the 2014 AGM will be held Saturday 24th May, at the King Robert Hotel in Bannockburn, Stirling. The AGM will begin at 10 am prompt. Proposed Constitutional Amendments: From and To: 9.3 All members shall be no- 2014 AGM Agenda & timings • • • • • • Welcome by Chairman 10.00am - 10.10am General Secretary’s Report 10.10am - 10.25am Treasurers Report 10.25am - 10.40am Membership Secretary’s Report 10.40am - 10.50am Website/Magazine Editors Report 10.50am - 11.00am Election of Office Bearers & Executive Committee members 11.00am - 11.20am tified of the agenda together with any notice of proposed Note 1: Office bearers: One Officer only shall return annually in amendments to the Constitu- the order: Chairman, Treasurer and Gen Secretary such that each tion at least 14 days before the General Meeting by way of the Alliance Newsletter/ Magazine, as the case may be 9.3 All members shall be notified of the agenda together position is filled for a period of three years, other than in exceptional circumstances Note 2: The affairs of the Alliance shall be conducted by an Executive Committee, which shall consist of the officers specified in clause 4.2. Chairman, General Secretary, Hon Treasurer, Assistant Secretary and Membership Secretary. with any notice of proposed amendments to the Constitution at least 14 days before the General Meeting by way of the Alliance website/forum. Removed all together : 9.4 For the purposes of these notices proof of posting shall be deemed sufficient proof of notification to members. > Top right photo by: Steve Michael Afternoon’S Events • • • • • from 1pm oNWARD Guest Speakers for the afternoon: Prizes Galore at our usual "MEGA" Raffle. Amazing value second hand stall. Tackle Stall from Franglais Fishing. And remember entry is FREE to all comers.