Esox Ecosse - Issue 55 May. 2014 | Page 13

13 EsoxEcosse Magazine 15 branch reports Glasgow Branch Report With our April meeting due to be held on the 10th, by the time you read this our Glasgow AGM will have past and any new committee positions will have been filled, I know a couple of the positions should change, but I'm confident that those who step forward to take on the roles and there has already been interest shown, can carry the branch forward with new ideas and enthusiasm. On the membership side of things Glasgow Branch is looking very strong at the moment, with numbers rivalling those of several years ago and as always a passionate crowd at meetings can encourage positive discussion, which is always welcome. I think our February meeting had more than twenty in attendance. Recent outings for the branch haven’t always proved fruitful, it being a hard start to the year but winners of our monthly vouchers have been Franny Ruiz in January and Tony McTaggart in February, I won’t embarrass the rest of the guys that fished each outing by telling you the winning weigh