ESOL Course Information (Test) | Page 5

– learn how to plan and carry out projects in small groups. Development of the above transferable core skills supports the acquisition of general skills such as thinking skills, and creativity. These skills underpin knowledge and understanding and are related to employability and long life learning. Local Investigation At pre-intermediate level you will work in groups studying a subject of your choice focussing on the local area. You will all have to participate within group various roles, how to complete paper work, explore research techniques and presentation skills. Assessment Angus college Assessment Policy The College has a clearly stated Assessment Policy, part of which is detailed below. You should contact your course tutor if you require any advice on assessment matters. Number of Attempts Assessment Where an assessment has been failed, students will only be allowed one reassessment opportunity unless specific circumstances are identified which would warrant the offer of a second reassessment opportunity, the circumstances of which must be discussed and agreed with the appropriate Director of Learning and Teaching. Additional Support Needs Assessment arrangements for candidates with disabilities and/or additional support needs may be applied dependent upon the regulations adopted by the specific awarding body. Please discuss any additional support needs with your course tutor. Assessment Guidelines Explanation on guidance and submission of assessments: ? DO read the question carefully and answer the question you have been asked. ? DO identify sources of any statistics or quotes etc you include in your assignment. ? DO NOT copy directly from textbooks, handouts, newspapers or any other sources of information without acknowledging the source. ? DO provide a bibliography (BROWNE KEN, 1992, An Introduction to Sociology, Polity Press Cambridge) (AUTHOR, Year, Title of source, Publisher). Plagia ????L?%?e???M????+?q??????e?????????????????)????????????????????)??????????t?? ??????????) ???????????????????()%?????????????????????)?????????????????)??????????L??????????????L)???????????????????)????e??e???????????)????????????????????????)??????????????????)?????M????????????????)???????????????????e?)???????????????????)??????????????????????)e??e?)?????)???)???????)???????)?)???????????)?????)?????e???????????)??????e???????????????)??????????????????)??????%?e???????????e?)?????????????????)!???????????????)?????????)??????????+? ?9????????????????)???????????e??????)???????+? ????e???????????????)????????????????????)?????q????????t??????)????????????????L???e?)???+? ?-??????????????????)??????????????????)???????????Q?????)??????????????e?)??????????????????????)??????????????+? ?5??????????????????????)????????????)????????????????????)??? ???????1??????e?+?q??????I??????????t??L)???????????+? ?????????????????)??????????????)??????????)???)???????)????????????????????)??????????????????????((