Jolien Deweerdt
Birthdate : 22-08-1996
Your e-mail address : jolien . deweerdt @ hotmail . com
Country / Hometown : Belgium , Leuven
University in Tallinn : Tallinna Ülikool - Tallinn University
I never thought I would … in Estonia ... have the best semester ever (!!!!!!!!!)...
What ’ s your weirdest memory or moment in Estonia ? Waking up after going out realizing that it was dark again outside , hm . Not really weird though .
What was your favorite event and why ? The first event of ESN where I got to know the other Erasmus students . So many people that I got to know there are now my friends . And the bicycle trip as well !
During my Erasmus my life changing moment was … ... waking up at a beautiful lake during the trip around Estonia . And discovering Iceland , and oh yes , the sunsets at Linnahall !
What will I miss the most about Estonia ? Discovering so many countries nearby , hanging out with other Erasmus students and of course , the rain .
Song of the semester ? Send Me On My Way - Rusted Root