Huyen Nguyen
Birthdate : 08-05-1994
Your e-mail address : t . t . e . nguyen @ student . tue . nl
Country / Hometown : The Netherlands , Eindhoven
University in Tallinn : Tallinna Tehnikaülikool - Tallinn University of Technology
I never thought I would … in Estonia ... cook dinner in that ‘ clean ’ Endla kitchen and enjoy my food ...
What ’ s your weirdest memory or moment in Estonia ? Going to a party with Nora with only locals and listening to bad Estonian rap music .
What was your favorite event and why ? All the trips , especially St Petersburg , Estonian roundtrip and Paldiski bicycle trip , because I love travelling and seeing new places .
During my Erasmus my life changing moment was … ... going to sauna for 5 minutes without dying .
What will I miss the most about Estonia ? The ‘ awesome ’ music and ‘ good ’ remixes while going out of course :’)
Song of the semester ? Rood - Marco Borsato @ RedEmperor !
Other memories , thank you note , greetings or any other information you wish to include ? Thank you all the German and Austrian people for improving my German instead of my English :)