Harmanjot Padda
Birthdate : 29-11-1990
Your e-mail address : harman . harmi @ gmail . com
Country / Hometown : Italy , Verona
University in Tallinn : Tallinna Ülikool - Tallinn University
I never thought I would … in Estonia Meet amazing people and my friends and the most important - my flatmates !! Vahina , Lea and Mathilde !! These are and will be my best memories and friendships ever !!
What ’ s your weirdest memory or moment in Estonia ? It ’ s funny bcz you never know that the person to whom you propose something , and that person becomes your flatmate !! The rest you can guess : - ) And after is even much better hihihi .
What was your favorite event and why ? The event of Kadriorg park and especially the first night at Red Emperor !! And even the most embarassing moments too !!
During my Erasmus my life changing moment was … Oh my god , it ’ s countless !! Like when you propose / ask something strange .
What will I miss the most about Estonia ? To bet with my buddies for not cleaning the house and dishes !! And surprise surprise I WON !! Right Lea and Vahina !!??
Song of the semester ? Pikki pikki and for sure Sean Paul songs
Other memories , thank you note , greetings or any other information you wish to include ? Putting the candels in my room and being poetic !!! Entitled by my flatmates Harman ’ s Harem .