Fee De Fooz
Birthdate : 20-02-1996
Your e-mail address : feedefooz @ hotmail . be
Country / Hometown : Belgium , Bois-de-Lessines
University in Tallinn : Eesti Kunstiakadeemia
I never thought I would … in Estonia ... enjoy the cold so much , especially when it was snowing ...
What ’ s your weirdest memory or moment in Estonia ? The moment when I came back from a party and the whole of Tallinn seemed to be on fire ( only one building actually , but we only found that out later ).
What was your favorite event and why ? A concert at mim studio . It was so nice to discover something new . The place was so cosy and the concert so interesting and mind changing . I hope to find something like this also back in Belgium .
During my Erasmus my life changing moment was … ... the moment when I realized that 4 months go by too fast and that I started planning my next Erasmus . I never thought that I could get so attached to a country so fast .
What will I miss the most about Estonia ? The sea that is so close and the dormitory with all the Erasmus friends that I could visit and go out with at any time .
Song of the semester ? Any techno song
Other memories , thank you note , greetings or any other information you wish to include ? Making a snowman , walking along the seaside , catching snowflakes . Thanks Erasmus !