Edit Bálint
Birthdate : 01-09-1995
Your e-mail address : edokah @ gmail . com
Country / Hometown : Hungary , Bonyhád
University in Tallinn : Tallinna Ülikool - Tallinn University
I never thought I would … in Estonia I never thought I would be in Estonia , and I can make so many experiences , and see many many beautiful area there .
What ’ s your weirdest memory or moment in Estonia ? My weirdest moment was when I tasted kefir and it was terrible .
What was your favorite event and why ? My favourite event was the trip around Estonia , because I saw lots of different and amazing places in that country .
During my Erasmus my life changing moment was … ... when I was on the round trip , and I could get an insight into another culture , taste exciting food , and visit the most famous places .
What will I miss the most about Estonia ? I will miss the environment , and the fresh air .
Song of the semester ? Icona Pop - I Love It