Breanna Sandquist
Birthdate : 12-07-1994
Your e-mail address : bsand94 @ gmail . com
Country / Hometown : United States of America , Portland , Oregon
University in Tallinn : Estonian Business School
I never thought I would … in Estonia .. have the guts to go swimming in the sea when it is below freezing ...
What ’ s your weirdest memory or moment in Estonia ? Learning about the traditional Estonian wedding and taking part in a fake one . There are so many weird roles !
What was your favorite event and why ? It would have to be the Christmas market . It is just so magical and everyone is in such a good mood and so happy .
During my Erasmus my life changing moment was … ... realizing that the friends made here will be for life .
What will I miss the most about Estonia ? The people I have met .
Song of the semester ? Closer by the Chainsmokers
Other memories , thank you note , greetings or any other information you wish to include ? The snow , the ice , the dark mornings and evening , and of course KOMPRESSOR .