ESN Tallinn Diary Autumn 2016 ESN Tallinn Diary Autumn 2016 | Page 23

Ana Pena Márquez
Birthdate : 05-12-1996
Your e-mail address : ana . pena @ uvic . cat
Country / Hometown : Spain , Montcada i Reixac ( Barcelona )
University in Tallinn : Tallinna Ülikool - Tallinn University
I never thought I would … in Estonia ... appreciate small things as a sunset , blue sky , the sunshine , a walk , a talk with friends ...
What ’ s your weirdest memory or moment in Estonia ? When I lost my glasses because they fell into the river while I was kayaking .
What was your favorite event and why ? The international dinner , it was a great opportunity to know and eat delicious meals from all around the world . The welcome party was really cool because I met many people and had lots of fun !
During my Erasmus my life changing moment was … ... the first week with snow in Tallinn . I couldn ’ t stop smiling .
What will I miss the most about Estonia ? Feeling like in a fairy tale through the Old Town or in the bogs and forest . The amazing sunsets . Waking up in the middle of a cottage in a lake house .
Song of the semester ? Netsky - Rio
Other memories , thank you note , greetings or any other information you wish to include ? Thanks to all the incredible people that I met during these months , I have great memories .