Escape AmaWaterways 2025 | Page 12

As you glide past centuries-old castles , through lush vineyards and into the heart of historic cities , you ’ ll understand why the Rhine and Moselle rivers have captivated travelers for generations . With AmaWaterways , you ’ re not just observing this rich tapestry of European culture and history — you ’ re becoming a part of it .
AmaWaterways invites you to experience the magic of the Rhine and Moselle rivers in style . As you glide along these storied waters , you ’ ll be treated to a front-row seat to Europe ’ s most stunning vistas . Picture yourself sailing past more than 40 enchanted castles perched atop hillsides in the UNESCO World Heritage Rhine Gorge , their ancient stones whispering tales of centuries past .
Pfalzgrafenstein Castle
On enchanting itineraries along the Rhine and Moselle rivers , you are offered a perfect blend of majestic cities and charming villages . In Cologne , you ’ ll marvel at the magnificent Gothic cathedral ; while in Cochem , you ’ ll step into a fairy tale as you explore the stunning medieval town crowned by the millennium-old Reichsburg Castle . With up to six included excursions each day , you will find it easy to personalize your experience , taking in each destination in a way that speaks to you best . Each stop along the way presents an opportunity to immerse yourself in local culture , whether it ’ s savoring the refined sweetness of worldclass rieslings or tracing fascinating history in quaint German hamlets .
The Rhine River Cruising along Europe ’ s stunning Rhine River is like lowering a drawbridge into your very own fairy tale . Dozens of castles spanning centuries cling to the Rhine riverbanks , filled with the legends of days gone by . Endless wonders await you in time-honored villages that lie just off the beaten path — and this is where AmaWaterways will surprise and delight you , making your travel experiences just as memorable and unique as the magical stories this region has inspired .
Experience the wonder of charming towns such as Rudesheim , where you can walk between half-timbered homes , hike through the famous Rheingau vineyards or take a gondola ride to the Niederwalddenkmal Statue for a fantastic view from above . You can also enjoy the whimsy of Siegfried ’ s Mechanical Instrument Cabinet , which features a collection of more than 400 selfplaying musical instruments spanning three centuries of history , or delight in the local specialty , Rüdesheimer coffee , made with rum , chocolate and a dash of whipped cream .
On select itineraries , you can also explore the legendary Lahneck Castle in Lahnstein , Germany — a unique excursion exclusive to AmaWaterways guests . Set on a hill overlooking the point where the Lahn River flows into the Rhine , this fortress is steeped in incredible stories , from the Knights Templar who are said to have taken their last stand there to other unique tales . If the ship arrives after nightfall , you can walk the castle grounds and stone interior by the glow of candlelight , further adding to its atmosphere .
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