Keystroke Dynamics Based Biometric for Remote User Authentication
Anuradha Wijewickrama* 1 , Supun Withana 1 , Hasitha Iroshana 1 , Upul Jayasinghe 1 and Manjula Sandirigama 1
Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
*E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: Remote user authentication is a mechanism to access information systems via an insecure channel
from any location. When communicating via an insecure channel, security is the main issue due to the intruders.
Although researchers have invented many user authentication schemes to withstand security attacks still many
schemes are vulnerable to various attacks.
Instead of passwords and smart-cards now many schemes use biometric features for their authentication due to
the uniqueness of biometric features. In this research, a two-way authentication scheme is proposed. We have
investigated the key requirement to fulfill the security and reliability on “Keystroke Dynamics Based Biometric
for Remote User Authentication Schemes” referring to different authentication schemes. We have experimented
mainly with three classification algorithms, J48, LMT, and PART, and compared each of the algorithms against
its performance considering testing accuracy, training accuracy, and time. According to the obtained results,
key-stroke dynamic biometric features and proposed multi-model classifier mechanism for authentication provide
an acceptable level of accuracy.
Keywords - Authentication, Keystroke dynamic, Biometric, Cryptography, Keystroke Dynamics