SwarmLib- Programming Framework for Robot Swarms
Mahendra Bandara 1 , Tharuka Bandara* 1 , Nadun Priyankara 1 , Roshan Ragel 1 and Isuru Nawinne 1
Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
*E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: SwarmLib is a generalized higher-level programming framework for robot swarms. This framework
is designed to be comprehensible for anyone familiar with basic swarm robotics and robot programming principles.
We process the data from the communication system, sensors from a robot and map them into a set of actuator
functions also referred to as robot movements. These robot movements, combined with the functions to retrieve,
manipulate input, and output data form SwarmLib. Programmers can make use of SwarmLib to program
their swarm behaviors such as aggregation, pattern formation, and leader following effectively and efficiently. In
this paper, our main focus is to present the layered architecture of our framework. SwarmLib makes use of a behavior-based
bottom-up design approach in structuring and interpreting these layers. Moreover, the composition
of each behavior is briefed. In the results section of the paper, we have included simulation results of a basic behavior
component and a custom-built behavior to find and gather around a colored object. Custom behavior was
tested with the object in the middle and the four corners. Results were recorded mainly considering the timing
and scaling factors to test the robustness of algorithms with a maximum swarm size of 100. Custom behavior
results deviated from the expected for the object in the corner scenario when swarm size increases. Furthermore,
we discuss the probable causes and solutions to overcome. Finally, we discuss the challenges we have to face
when migrating this framework into a real set of robots.
Key Words - robot-swarm, bottom-up design approach, virtual pheromone, behavior-based design ,swarm