EROPA Bulletin
Vol. 35 Nos. 1-2 (January-June 2014)
Participants took part in a number of informative
lectures on the various subjects such as Local
Government System, Local Tax and Finance System
and Local Public Employee System, which are given
by university professors and high-ranking central
government officials. Furthermore, participants joined
technical visits to different local governments. They
also made a courtesy
“The center has been visit to an executive
conducting [the Local official of Ministry of
Governance] program Internal Affairs and
for the past 50 years C o m m u n i c a t i o n s .
since its establishment Participants
and has received 567 expected to submit a
perspective report at
participants from 63
the end of the program
countries, of which
271 are from EROPA to analyze problems of
their local government
member states.
This year, the program system and propose
policies to address such
took place from 3
June until 3 July 2014, problems using the
knowledge and methods
with 12 participants
they have learned from
from 12 countries.”
the program.
This program has been well received as an informative
and fruitful training opportunity which contributes to
the further development of local governance in the
Asia-Pacific region and promotes valuable international