Vol. 35 Nos. 1-2 (January-June 2014)
EROPA Bulletin
Towards a stronger
e-government in
Asia: the EROPA
Research Center
When the EROPA
E-Government Research
Center was launched in
Beijing, China in its first
international e-government
seminar, leading experts and
practitioners in e-government
and public administration
witnessed how the Center is
poised to become not only
one of EROPA’s partner
institutions, but also one of the
leading e-government research
institutions in Asia and the Pacific.
The 2014 UN E-Government Survey results held much
promise for governments in the Asia-Pacific region as
they strive to enhance e-government policies and practices
for improving the welfare of their citizens. However,
many countries in the region are still lagging behind in
e-government readiness and participation. Not only do
they lack the needed resources and facilities for enhancing
e-government facilities, but they also lack the cultural
impetus for realizing the potentials of e-government.
How will the EROPA E-Government Research Center
address this issue?
The Center’s main objective is to serve as a think-tank and
working platform for the development of the theory and
practice of e-government in the Asia-Pacific, particularly
in the EROPA region. It also aims to establish a network
for research and development in the said field.
The EROPA E-Government Research Center strives
to achieve its objectives by conducting comparative
research studies on e-government policy and practices in
the region. The Center is also set to conduct collaborative
projects among EROPA member countries, thereby
giving e-government academicians and practitioners an
opportunity to learn from one another. Moreover, the
Center is expected to carry out technical support initiatives
for e-government institutions in the region. The Center
focuses on the following research areas:
Civic Participation through Social Networks
Online Public Service
Development and Application of Big Data
The Center’s main
E-Government Research
objective is to
Center is supervised by
serve as a thinkthe Ministry of Human
tank and working
Resources and Social
platform for the
Security of the People’s
development of the
Republic of China,
theory and practice
through the Chinese
of e-government
Academy of Personnel
in the Asia-Pacific,
Science, and EROPA
particularly in the
itself. The Center also
EROPA region. It also
formed its Experts
aims to establish a
Advisory Committee, led
by the Center Director,
network for research
Prof. Jiang Wu. The
and development in
committee is composed
the said field.
of academicians and
practitioners working at
the forefront of e-government in Asia.
With the proliferation of information and communication
technology (ICT) and new media approaches, institutions
are now looking into e-government as a catalyst to
transform public administration into a tool for sustainable
development. The newly established Center is a timely
answer to one of the most pressing issues on sustainable
development: the need for institutions that are effective,
transparent, accountable, democratic, and ready to
innovate. [EB]