Eric Saade Times (1) | Page 12

What song are you?

You know the rules. Answer the question, remember the letter and see the results on next page.

What is your favorite color?

A: Red


C: Dark Gray

D: Dark Blue

E: Yellow/orange

What kind of person are you?

A: The popular one with lots of friends

B: The one who PARTY HARD!!

C: The badass music freak

D: The calm deep one

E: The one who aren't very serious.

What's a good party?

A: Drinks and background music, and all the friends are there

B: Neon and rave lights with music shaking our bones

C: High music with the fastest beat in a dim room where everyone dances

D: A little group of friends watching a movie or hanging out

E: Just somewhere with boys and music!