Erasmus Project | Page 12

It should be noted that the dance types are generally termed in Romanian by names with are also particular dance names. Choreographic form, motifs, music type names form structure Hora Hora mare, Hora dreaptă, Hora de mână, Periniţa stamping:Hangul, Floricica mixed rhythm:Sălcioara, Hodoroaga,Şchioapa ternary: Jianul, Balta, Salta hands joined at 2 or 4 shoulder measure height phrases, or bi-directional figures, or 3 measure phrases nonconcordant with music Sârba Sârba shoulder hold 3 measure phrases nonconcordant with music, or bidirectional figures Brâul Brâul, Corăgheşte,Brâuleţ, Galaonul,Poloxia, Alunelul, Danţ shoulder hold, cross hand holds walking (plimbăre) travelling to the right & figures, or bidirectional figures motifs walking, stamps, heel lifts, leaps music 2/4 & other 2/4 (in compoun d time ~6/8) syncopation , stamping, heel clicks, crossing, toe & heel actions 2/4 (Banat can be 7/8)