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Source of data: Waste Management Strategy (2009-2015) of the Republic of Macedonia.

Textile production is one of the oldest industries in the world. Textile and clothing industries have basic inherent characteristics and contain a large and diverse range of activities. The overall process of production of textile products can be presented in three stages:

Raw materials

- fiber preparation


- processing of raw materials

- manufacture of knitted and woven textile materials

- preparation of dyeing textiles

- production of: carpets, home textiles, technical and

industrial textiles


- transformation of textile materials into products

The textile industry in Macedonia is one of the most important industries:

By 1990

- developed basic textile industry


- developed apparel industry (95%)

Export of textile products to the developed countries’ markets can only be achieved if certain definitions are met:

1.Qualitative requirements from an environmental point of view

2.Minimal consumption of all types

of resources

3.Reducing the negative impact on the user, the environment and the society,

4.Fulfillment of international quality norms – ISO.

Within the textile industry, the waste in solid aggregate state consists of: fiber, pelts, yarns and remnants of textile materials.

According to Article 25, paragraph 2 of the Law on Waste Management ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 68/2004 and 71/2004), solid waste from the textile and apparel industry, in the list of types of waste is classified into two groups:

04 - Waste from leather, fur and textile industry

04 02 waste from the textile industry

04 02 09 waste from composite materials (impregnated textile, elastomer, plastomer)

04 02 21 wastes from unprocessed textile fibers

04 02 22 wastes from processed waste fibers

04 02 99 other waste

20 - Municipal waste (household waste and similar waste from commercial, administrative and industrial activities) including fractions selected waste

20 01 separately collected fractions

20 01 10 clothes

20 01 11 textiles

In the Republic of Macedonia, the largest number of ready-made clothes enterprises throw out solid wastes after the cutting process and together with other communal waste is dumped at city