eRadiograph Volume 7: Imaging of Oral Cavity | Page 6

PREFACE The head, face, neck has been a daunting area for students and practicing imaging specialists, essentially, due to the complex anatomy of a multitude of small structures and a wide variety of pathologies. As imaging resolution has progressed over the years, the complex anatomy and wide array of pathologies have been unraveled. Imaging is the key to diagnosis and further management of the head and neck. In our subcontinent, head and neck cancers, happening due to chewing of tobacco, betel nut, and consumption of alcohol are highly prevalent, in fact, accounts for highest incidences in the world. To reduce morbidity and mortality, imaging plays a vital role in detection, staging, further management, following up in the search for recurrences and prognostication. An understanding of the anatomy, pathological processes and capabilities, and limitation of imaging modalities is essential for imaging specialists for evaluating the head and neck. In this eRadiograph, the oral cavity and neck spaces are discussed with lucid examples. I must thank two senior residents of mine for their deep interest and help in head, face, and neck as well as preparing this educational initiative - Dr. Iram Khan and Dr. Jigar Desai. 6