eRadiograph Volume 7: Imaging of Oral Cavity | Page 320

Sublingual/Submandibular Spaces Introduction Anatomy: The sublingual space is a potential space beneath the tongue as there is no facial covering. It lies beneath the undersurface of the tongue, lateral to the genioglossus/geniohyoid muscles and superomedial to the mylohyoid muscle. Both sublingual spaces communicate anteriorly through an isthmus under the frenulum of the tongue as there is no fascial covering. Along the posterior margin of the mylohyoid the sublingual submandibular and parapharyngeal spaces communicate. The sublingual space contains the hyoglossus muscle, lingual artery, vein, nerve, Whartons duct, sublingual gland. The deep portion of the submandibular gland wraps around the posterior edge of the mylohyoid muscle to lie in the sublingual space. The sublingual space is divided by the hyoglossus muscle which runs from the hyoid bone to the lateral aspect of the tongue. The hyoglossus muscle separates the lingual artery which lies medial to the hyoglossus muscle from the lingual vein and submandibular duct which is lateral to the hyoglossus muscle. The sublingual glands are the smallest of the major salivary glands. The drainage of the sublingual gland is by many small excretory ducts – the Rivrus ducts which open directly into the floor of the mouth. A large duct Bartholin duct may empty into the submandibular duct near its orifice, lymphatic drainage is to level I nodes. The parotid and submandibular gland are separated by the stylomandibular ligament – the submandibular gland is arbitrarily divided into a superficial and deep component based on its extension around the posterior margin of mylohyoid muscle which divides submandibular space from floor of mouth. No lymph nodes or large nerves are present in the submandibular gland. Lymphatic drainage is to IB submandibular nodes and deep cervical lymph nodes IIA. The submandibular duct known as whartons duct courses anteriorly and superiorly between gengioglossus muscle and sublingual gland to open in the floor of the mouth on the sublingual papilla on either side of the tongue. The anterior facial vein which runs along the anterior margin of the submandibular 320 Submandibular and Sublingual Space Submandibular Spaces Submandibular space is a fascial lined space which extends from the mylohyoid muscle inferiorly to the hyoid bone. Platysma forms the superficial margin of the submandibular space. The contents of the submandibular space are anterior belly of digastric muscle, submandibular nodes, submandibular gland and facial vein. The submandibular gland occupies most of the submandibular triangle, which is formed by the inferior border of the mandibular body and anterior/posterior bellies of the digastric muscle.