eRadiograph Volume 7: Imaging of Oral Cavity | Page 23

Soft Palate These tumours occur along the ventral surface. They tend to spread anteriorly to the hard palate, laterally into the palatine muscles, parapharyngeal space, superiorly to the nasopharynx and skull base, inferiorly to tonsillar pillars. There may be perineural spread along palatine nerves to pterygopalatine fossa and cavernous sinus, along V2 segment of trigeminal nerve. The Lymphatic drainage is to level II/III nodes. Imaging of Oral Cavity Conclusion It is very important to be aware of the anatomy and routes of spread of disease in the oral cavity and oropharynx. An inaccurate assessment of the spread may lead to inadequate or unnecessary surgery. Inadequate disease recurrence is common with a poor outcome. If excessive resection, this will affect functional outcome, leaving the individual handicapped in daily functioning. 23