eRadiograph Volume 7: Imaging of Oral Cavity | Page 229

parotid gland. Very rarely may other neoplasms metastasize to the intraparotid lymph nodes. On imaging it is difficult to differentiate between benign enlarged lymph nodes and neoplastic. Staging of parotid neoplasmsTNM staging T1- Less than 2 cm T2- Between 2 and 4 cm T3- Larger than 4 cm or those that demonstrate extra glandular or extraparenchymal extension. T4A- Moderately advanced disease (potentially resectable) Skin invasion, mandible, external auditory canal, facial nerve. T4 B- Very advanced local disease skull base and/ or pterygoid plates invasion and/or encases the internal carotid artery. N0- No neck nodes N1- Ipsilateral nodes less than 3 cm N2A- Single ipsilateral node between 3 and 6 cm N2B - Multiple ipsilateral nodes not more than 6 cm N2C- Bilateral/ contralateral nodes not more than 6 cm M0 - No distant metastases M1- Distant metastases Treatment of most parotid lesions is by surgery. It is important to preserve the facial nerve, therefore the facial nerve should be traced, any extension to deep lobe be identified prior to surgery. Benign lesions in the superficial gland are treated by 229 Parotid Space N3- Metastases in nodes greater than 6 cm