eRadiograph Volume 7: Imaging of Oral Cavity | Page 223

Parotid space pathologies: Non neoplastic: Development anomalies – Aplasia, atresia, agenesis Sialadenitis – Bacterial, viral, TB, Sarcoid and Radiotherapy Sialolithiasis Cystic – Developmental (LEC) Lymphoepithelial cyst (BCC) Branchial cleft cyst Polycystic Acquired Sialosis – Hyperlipedemia Neoplastic – Epithelial (90 %) Benign – Pleomorphic adenoma Warthins tumor Benign oncocytic tumors Malignant – Pleomorphic adenocarcinoma Mucoepidermoid CA Adenoid cystic CA Acinic Cell CA Malignant oncocytic tumors Non epithelial- Benign Haemangioma Lipoma Neurogenic tumors Malignant Lyphoma Metastases Cystic lesions of the parotid gland Primary cystic lesions account for 2 – 5% of all parotid lesions. These can be classified into lymphoepithelial cyst, branchial cleft cyst, epidermoid inclusion cyst, polycystic dysgenetic disease, cystic hygroma, congenital sialectasis or acquired cysts such as ductal sialocyst, acquired HIV related parotid cysts. 223 Parotid Space Autoimmune – Sjogren`s syndrome