eRadiograph Volume 7: Imaging of Oral Cavity | Page 21

T1: less than 2 cm T2: between 2 and 4 cm T3: larger than 4 cm or with extension to lingual surface of epiglottis. T4A: extension to adjacent structures - larynx, extrinsic tongue muscles, medial ptyergoid, hard palate, mandible. T4B: is used for very advanced local disease such as encasement of internal carotid artery, invasion of lateral ptyergoid muscle ptyergoid plates, extension into lateral nasopharynx or skull base. No absence of nodal metastases N1N2N3 – Increasing number or extent of regional lymph nodes involved. The more distant the spread in the lymphatic system the worse the prognosis. Extra capsular spread in lymph nodes is a very important prognostic point as it indica FW2fW'