eRadiograph Volume 7: Imaging of Oral Cavity | Page 195

MASTICATOR SPACE MUSCLES MUSCLE ORIGIN INSERTION Masseter muscle Zygomatic arch Lateral surface of ramus, angle, posterior body of mandible Temporalis muscle Temporal fossa Coronoid process of mandible fossa Lateral pterygoid muscle Two heads-lateral pterygoid plate and MS surface of skull base. Medial aspect of mandibular condyle. Medial pterygoid muscle Fossabetween pterygoid plates Medial aspect of the angle of the mandible. CONTENT PATHOLOGY -Muscles of mastication - Sarcomas - Benign masseteric hypertrophy. - Denervation atrophy - Myositis ossificans - Metastasis. - Idiopathic fibrosis. - Mandible - Osteomyelitis - Odontogenic abscess - Primary jaw lesions - Myeloma - Inferior alveolar and lingual nerve - Neurogenic tumors - Perineural spread of tumor -Vascular -Venous malformation, AVM, lymphatic malformation - Secondary involvement - Deep spread of adjacent SCC. - Inferior extension of intracranial or skull base lesions 195 Masticator Space MASTICATOR SPACE LESIONS