eRadiograph Volume 7: Imaging of Oral Cavity | Page 17

bundle, require an anterior 2/3rd glossectomy. Lesions extending into the base of tongue require a total glossectomy, and those extending to involve the pre epiglottic fat/larynx require a laryngoglossectomy. An anterior 2/3rd or a total glossectomy results in a significant loss of function and has a high morbidity. In these situations radiation is instituted first. Since occult metastases are common in N0 necks, most patients will also undergo a radical neck dissection. The TNM staging is the most used staging method. T 0 -- No evidence of primary T 1 -- Below 2 cm in greatest dimensiom T 2 -- Between 2 and 4 cm T 3 -- Greater than 4 cm T 4 a -- Involvement of intrinsic/extrinsic muscles, cortical bone, maxillary sinus, skin T4b -- Involvement of masticator space, ptyergoid plates, skull base or encasement of internal carotid artery. Nodal Disease N1 - Metastases in a single ipsilateral lymph node less than 3 cm in greatest dimension N2a - Metastases in a single ipsilateral lymph node between 3 and 6 cm in greatest dimensions N2b - Multiple ipsilateral lymph nodes less than 6 cm in greatest dimensions N2c - Bilateral or contralateral lymph nodes none more than 6 cm in greatest dimensions N3- Metastases in a lymph node greater than 6 cm M0- No distant metastases M1- Distant metastases 17 Imaging of Oral Cavity N0 - No nodal disease detected