eRadiograph Volume 7: Imaging of Oral Cavity | Page 165

The function of these is for tensing and elevating the palate to prevent oronasal reflux, also they affect opening of the Eustachian tube. The outer layer is muscular consisting of the superior, inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscles, the pharyngeal elevator muscles (palatopharyngeal, stylo pharyngeal, salpingopharyngeal, palatoglossus, tensor palate, levator palate, palatopharyngeal muscle. External to the muscular layer is the bucopharyngeal fascia which forms the external boundary. Pathologic processes of pharyngeal mucosal space: Thornwald Cyst This represents a benign developmental nasopharyngeal midline cyst arising from the notochordal remnants.  Nasopharyngeal mucosa covers the cyst anteriorly. These are nearly always asymptomatic, discover