eRadiograph Volume 7: Imaging of Oral Cavity | Page 11

- posteriorly by the insertion of anterior tonsillar pillar on tongue - superiorly by the undersurface of oral tongue. Floor is made by the mylohyoid muscle and sublingual space. The mylohyoid arises from the mylohyoid ridge, running along the entire inner surface of the mandible, from the symphysis to the 3 molar. The anterior and middle fibres of the mylohyoid insert into a midline fibrous raphe, and the posterior fibres insert into the hyoid bone. The median raphe extends from the hyoid bone posteriorly to the symphysis mentii anteriorly. This forms a U shaped sling best seen on coronal images. The geniohyoid and genioglossus lie internal to the mylohyoid and the anterior belly of digastric external to the mylohyoid. The mylohyoid cleaves the lower oral cavity into sublingual and submandibular spaces. The sublingual space is superior and medial to the mylohyoid while submandibular space is inferior and lateral to mylohyoid. The posterior border of mylohyoid is free, allowing communication between sublingual and submandibular spaces. The submandibular gland, which lies below the mylohyoid, wraps around the free edge of the mylohyoid. Its superficial portion lies in the submandibular space, and its deep lobe lies above the mylohyoid in the sublingual space. The submandibular space contains: • The anterior belly of digastric • The superficial portion of submandibular gland • Facial vein/artery • Inferior loop of 12th cranial nerve • Submandibular/ submental lymph nodes. The hyoglossus, styloglossus and palatoglossus muscles divide the sublingual space into medial and lateral compartments. This is an important surgical landmark as the hypoglossal, lingual nerves and whartons duct lies lateral to the muscles and the lingual artery and vein medial. Whartons duct arises from the deep portion of the submandibular gland, which lies in the sublingual space and runs anteriorly in close contact with the hypoglossal and lingual nerves to open just lateral to the frenulum of the tongue. The digastric muscle has 2 bellies, an anterior and a posterior. The anterior belly arises from the digastric fossa on the inner surface of the mandible. The posterior belly arises from the digastric fossa on the inner surface of the mastoid process of temporal bone. 11 Imaging of Oral Cavity The sublingual space contains the: • Anterior extension of hyoglossus • Lingual nerve • Cranial nerves 9/12 • Lingual artery and vein • Sublingual glands and duct • Deep portion of submandibular gland/ duct.