Equipment Specs Handbook 2021/22 2021/22 | Page 3


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‘ New World ’, silver lining …

2021 without a doubt .

has been a year of survival of the fittest ,
Economies in Africa , and indeed globally , are still reeling from the aftermath of the Covid- 19 pandemic as it continues to disrupt our livelihoods and any semblance of political stability , in South Africa in particular .
The construction industry has been hardest hit , with limited government infrastructure spend and a decrease in foreign investment , labour shortages , materials cost increases and Covid-19 supply chain disruptions . The mining sector has not gone unscathed ; however , the mining industry has been able to embark on a road to recovery sooner .
We should focus on what we have learned and achieved over the past year and the fact that the sun will continue to rise in this ‘ New World ’ we find ourselves in . Our resilience as a people shines through the challenges we face daily in this economic downturn . We have had small wins on the road to recovery : Automation has accelerated and new technologies are constantly emerging to cut costs and improve efficiencies , safety standards have improved as they have been a marked focal point , there has been a savings drive to recondition equipment where possible , and despite the haze of uncertainty and lack of project opportunity , fierce competition is pushing smaller to mid-sized enterprises to break the mould and lead the way by finding solutions .
These positive trends , together with government commitment to drive post-Covid-19 economic recovery and create jobs amidst the continuing demand for infrastructure , better roads , housing , and power , is what is creating the silver lining for our economy .
The Equipment Specs Handbook 2021 / 22 has focused on delivering value to our readers who face a daunting task on a daily basis . We continue to encourage all major stakeholders in the industry to list their equipment , offering our readers on-site solutions . Due to the importance of logistics in the industry , we are currently developing a new forklift category , which is a work in progress , and our Underground Mining category has grown from strength to strength .
We would like to thank our loyal readers , advertisers and industry association partners ; MEMSA and the CPHA , for their continued support . Together we will embrace the silver lining in our ‘ New World ’ with courage and fortitude – where diversity , adaptability and
agility are the name of the game .

Editorial team

Despite the haze of uncertainty and lack of project opportunity , fierce competition is pushing smaller to mid-sized enterprises to break the mould and lead the way by finding solutions .”
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