Equine Health Update February 2017 Issue | Page 37

EQUINE | Abstracts

EQUINE | Abstracts

arytenoid asymmetry at rest , palatal dysfunction ( PD ), medial deviation of the aryepiglottic folds ( MDAF ), pharyngeal mucus and epiglottic grade at exercise and moderate for vocal fold collapse ( VFC ), ventromedial luxation of the apex of the corniculate process of the arytenoid ( VLAC ), nasopharyngeal collapse ( NPC ) and epiglottic grade at rest . Interobserver agreement was substantial for arytenoid symmetry at exercise and PD and moderate for arytenoid asymmetry at rest , MDAF , VLAC and epiglottic entrapment . It was only fair for VFC , epiglottic grade at exercise , epiglottic retroversion , pharyngeal mucus and NPC and poor for epiglottic grade at rest .
MAIN LIMITATIONS : Sample size was insufficient to allow assessment of the effect of one abnormality on the grading of another abnormality .
CONCLUSIONS : Observers were consistent in grading URT disorders . However , significant disparity in grading existed between observers for some conditions affecting reliability .
Subclinical ultrasonographic abnormalities of the suspensory ligament branches in National Hunt racehorses .
Fairburn AJ , et al . Equine Vet J . 2016 .
BACKGROUND : Suspensory ligament branch ( SLB ) desmopathy is a common cause of lameness and an important cause of lost training in the Thoroughbred racing industry . Studies have assessed the impact of insertional injuries of the SLB on the careers of flat racehorses and established the prevalence of subclinical ultrasonographic SLB abnormalities in this population , but little work has investigated SLB injury in National Hunt ( NH ) racehorses .
OBJECTIVES : To investigate the prevalence of subclinical ultrasonographic SLB abnormalities in NH racehorses with no clinical signs or history of SLB injury and to establish the cross-sectional area ( CSA ) of SLBs in this population .
STUDY DESIGN : Cross-sectional study using data collected from horses on an NH yard .
METHODS : Ultrasonographic examination of forelimb SLBs in 62 horses on a single NH yard was performed . Images were graded according to a previously reported system . CSA measurements were obtained from transverse images .
RESULTS : Nineteen of 62 horses had at least one SLB with grade 2 ultrasonographic abnormalities . Grade 2 ultrasonographic abnormalities occurred more frequently in the medial than the lateral SLB ( P = 0.05 ). The medial SLB insertional CSA was significantly larger ( P < 0.001 ) than that of the lateral SLB .
MAIN LIMITATIONS : Length of time on the yard ( and therefore available veterinary history ) is variable in this population .
CONCLUSIONS : One in three NH racehorses without history or clinical signs of SLB injury had at least one SLB with a grade 2 ultrasonographic abnormality . The medial branch was over-represented . The medial SLB insertional CSA is larger than the lateral and thus comparison with the corresponding branch in the contralateral limb is recommended to avoid misdiagnosis of medial SLB enlargement .
Improved radiological diagnosis of palmar osteochondral disease in the Thoroughbred racehorse .
Davis AM , et al . Equine Vet J . 2016 .
• Volume 19 no 1 • February 2017 • 37