Equine Health Update February 2017 Issue | Page 36

EQUINE | Abstracts a causative microorganism was identified . These results suggest that testing SAA concentrations in fetal heart blood may aid in further understanding the causes of abortions in horses .

EQUINE | Abstracts a causative microorganism was identified . These results suggest that testing SAA concentrations in fetal heart blood may aid in further understanding the causes of abortions in horses .

Comparative efficacy of BioRelease Deslorelin ® injection for induction of ovulation in oestrus mares : a field study .
Finan SA , et al . Aust Vet J . 2016 .
OBJECTIVE : To investigate the comparative efficacy of BioRelease Deslorelin ® ( BRD ) and Ovuplant ® for induction of ovulation in cyclic mares in Australia .
METHODS : Ovarian follicular activity of 60 mares for a total of 95 cycles was monitored by ultrasonography until they developed a follicle ≥30 mm and a uterine oedema pattern of 3 . Mares were then randomly allocated to one of three treatment groups : ( 1 ) treatment with 1.25 mg BRD , ( 2 ) a single Ovuplant pellet or ( 3 ) 1 mL compound sodium lactate control . Follicular activity was monitored with ultrasonography every 12 h until ovulation was detected or for at least 5 days post treatment . The injection site on each mare was monitored for reaction for a minimum of 5 days post treatment .
RESULTS : There was no difference in the percentage of mares ovulating within 48 h when treated with BRD ( 93.75 %) compared with Ovuplant ( 87.09 %). Treatment with both ovulating agents significantly decreased the time to ovulation compared with control mares ( P < 0.00005 ). More mares had injection site reactions with Ovuplant ( 64.5 %) treatment compared with BRD ( 15.6 %) or control mares ( 0 %) ( P < 0.00005 ).
CONCLUSIONS : Treatment of mares with 1.25 mg BRD when there is a follicle ≥30 mm and uterine oedema pattern of 3 is as effective as treatment with Ovuplant .
Intra- and interobserver reliability estimates for identification and grading of upper respiratory tract abnormalities recorded in horses at rest and during overground endoscopy .
McGivney CL , et al . Equine Vet J . 2016 .
BACKGROUND : Previous studies support good intraand interobserver agreements for endoscopic evaluation of various upper respiratory tract ( URT ) diseases in horses . However , these studies mainly assessed resting endoscopic examination videos and / or focussed on a single URT abnormality .
OBJECTIVES : To estimate intra- and interobserver agreement for identification and grading of all URT abnormalities from resting and overground endoscopy ( OGE ) videos of Thoroughbreds .
STUDY DESIGN : Blinded , fully crossed design .
METHODS : Resting and OGE URT videos for n = 43 Thoroughbreds were retrospectively chosen based on identification of common URT disorders . The videos were randomly evaluated in duplicate by 4 raters blinded to all information including prior URT disorder ( s ) diagnosis . Abnormalities were graded using well-described ordinal scales . Intra- and interobserver agreements were estimated using Cohen ’ s weighted κ and Krippendorff ’ s α , respectively .
RESULTS : Intraobserver agreement was perfect / nearly perfect for arytenoid symmetry at exercise , epiglottic entrapment and epiglottic retroversion , substantial for
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