Equine Health Update February 2017 Issue | Page 16

EQUINE | Report f . shall do the same for “ Predef ”. Dr Dittberner discussed the recommendation of using 1.4 times the detection time as a withdrawal time . Caution must be exercised in this approach as it does not take into account all of the factors like route of administration , multiple administrations etc . The NHA has undertaken to relook at “ in house ” detection times , but emphasised that they utilise the IFHA guidelines . There are also new screening limits from the Asian Racing Federation ( ARF ), which we are now signatory to . They will be available on the website . It was stressed that the FEI are aligned to the European Racing Federation , so precaution must be exercised when making use of any information on their website . It does differ from the ARF . Fines structure for an out of competition positive ( incl . passing at stalls ). It has been decided that the fine structure will be 20 % either side of the lowest figure used in the current guidelines for race day positives . This only applies to Class 3-5 substances . Class 1 and 2 substances shall be fined on the same basis . g . Feedback from SAVC meeting . The meeting with the SAVC was most unsatisfactory , as they consider the NHA inquiries to be hearsay evidence that they are not prepared to use . The NHA shall continue to submit affidavits whenever they have first-hand information . As a result , the strict liability rules shall be enforced against the Trainers , even if their vets were responsible for putting them in contravention of the NHA rules . It will then be up to the trainers whether they report their vets to the SAVC or not .

EQUINE | Report f . shall do the same for “ Predef ”. Dr Dittberner discussed the recommendation of using 1.4 times the detection time as a withdrawal time . Caution must be exercised in this approach as it does not take into account all of the factors like route of administration , multiple administrations etc . The NHA has undertaken to relook at “ in house ” detection times , but emphasised that they utilise the IFHA guidelines . There are also new screening limits from the Asian Racing Federation ( ARF ), which we are now signatory to . They will be available on the website . It was stressed that the FEI are aligned to the European Racing Federation , so precaution must be exercised when making use of any information on their website . It does differ from the ARF . Fines structure for an out of competition positive ( incl . passing at stalls ). It has been decided that the fine structure will be 20 % either side of the lowest figure used in the current guidelines for race day positives . This only applies to Class 3-5 substances . Class 1 and 2 substances shall be fined on the same basis . g . Feedback from SAVC meeting . The meeting with the SAVC was most unsatisfactory , as they consider the NHA inquiries to be hearsay evidence that they are not prepared to use . The NHA shall continue to submit affidavits whenever they have first-hand information . As a result , the strict liability rules shall be enforced against the Trainers , even if their vets were responsible for putting them in contravention of the NHA rules . It will then be up to the trainers whether they report their vets to the SAVC or not .

5 . Feedback from African Horse Sickness ( AHS )/ Export task team . Dr Parker was not present at the meeting and the meeting ran out of time to get her on speaker phone . She provided certain documents which are attached to these minutes for information . It is anticipated that the PCR test for AHS will officially be validated by the OIE in February 2017 .
6 . Out of competition testing feedback . The testing is taking place as agreed to last year , with at least 3 and if possible 4 yards being tested per month in each of the various areas . The pre-race sampling has been increased to twice a month . Dr de Kock provided feedback on the latest statistics .
7 . Drug classification and excepted medication . Dr Rohwer has provided Dr de Kock with recommended changes to the drug classification document . Most of the recommendations have been agreed to with the exception of the classification of Ractopamine and Clenbuterol . The NHA currently wants to implement the policy as put out by the IFHA . Dr Rohwer has suggested alternative lower classifications . These options shall be put to the Rules Committee and then the National Board for their consideration and decision , as this meeting was unable to reach consensus on these substances . It has been decided to recommend the implementation of an “ Excepted Substance ” list , which shall include Anti-Ulcer medication . This proposal shall be presented to the Rules Committee and National Board for their consideration in October 2016 .
8 . Race day medication . The NHA remains under pressure to comply with the IFHA recommendation of no race day medication . It was suggested that the NHA approve a list of substances that may be used on race day , for example Vit B1 , Calcitad , Ammonium Chloride , Haemorex and homeopathic products . This shall be taken on the Information Roadshow to get the opinion of the trainers and other vets and then a decision shall be made on how to proceed .
16 • Equine Health Update •