Equine Health Update EHU Vol 21 Issue 03 | Page 47

mage 1 fluid is The homogeneously echogenic and may 03 the spleen (Image 4). Obstruction of the view 5 6 of the left kidney by large colon indicates 7 appear (haemoabdomen; Image nephrosplenic - place the 8). probe in the 14-15th Nephrosplenic window – to place swirl the entrapment probein the (Image 17th 5), although Duodenal window 7 3 Nephrosplenic window – place the probe it is recommended to pair these findings with 5 to intercostal space at the – level between the middle intercostal space (or paralumbar fossa) at the level Duodenal window place the probe Heterogeneous fluid is consistent with in the 17th dorsal intercostal space paralumbar per-rectum examination (Scharner et usually al. 2002). dorsal in the on 14-15th intercostal space at the The liver, third the right side of the abdomen. between the and middle (or third of the left side 3 left between splenic window – place the fossa) at probe the The level the dorsal and level between middle to dorsal duodenum and right the dorsal colon (RDC) third are visible of the abdomen. kidney should be visualised 7th intercostal space middle (or paralumbar third of the left side of the abdomen. intestinal on 6). the The right side is of the abdomen. The liver, smooth (Image RDC characterised by a large, deep to the spleen (Image rupture. 4). Obstruction of the view The left kidney should be visualised deep to 05 Image 3 at the level between the dorsal and duodenum right dorsal are Right middle third curvature. Wall and thickness of colon >4mm (RDC) is considered of the left kidney by large colon indicates nephrosplenic the spleen (Image 4). Obstruction of the view third of the left side of the abdomen. visible especially (Image 6). if irregularly The RDC is thickened characterised abnormal, (Image 7). systematically arou entrapment (Image 5), although it is recommended of the left deep kidney large colon indicates kidney should be to by by a large, smooth curvature. Wall thickness third of the abdom to visualised pair these findings with (Image per-rectum examination nephrosplenic entrapment 5), although of >4mm is considered abnormal, especially en (Image 4). Obstruction of al. the view the dorsal right pa (Scharner et 2002). Image 3 recommended 5 7). Duodenal window if irregularly – place thickened the probe (Image apex extends to th left kidney by large it is colon indicates to pair these findings with per-rectum examination (Scharner et al. 2002). in the 14-15th intercostal space at the pockets of peritone plenic entrapment (Image 5), although level between the middle to dorsal third 3 Image be a normal finding ommended to pair these findings with Duodenal window – place the probe on the right side of the abdomen. The liver, is subjective and um examination (Scharner et al. 2002). in the 14-15th intercostal space and at the duodenum right dorsal colon (RDC) are Right middle third – is move the p fluid homogeneo level between the middle to dorsal third visible (Image 6). The RDC is characterised systematically around the appear to middle swirl (ha Image 4 on the right side of the by abdomen. The liver, a large, smooth curvature. Wall thickness third of the abdomen. The caecum o Heterogeneous fluid duodenum and right dorsal colon is (RDC) are abnormal, of >4mm considered Right especially middle third the – dorsal move right the paralumbar probe fossa a intestinal rupture. if irregularly thickened (Image systematically 7). visible (Image 6). The RDC is characterised apex the extends to the one ventral abdome around middle pockets of peritoneal fluid (hypoecho by a large, smooth curvature. Wall thickness third of the abdomen. The caecum occupies be a normal fossa finding and and assessment of q of >4mm is considered abnormal, especially the dorsal right paralumbar the subjective and difficult. if irregularly thickened (Image 7). apex extends to the is ventral abdomen. Small Haemo fluid fluid is homogeneously echogenic an pockets of peritoneal (hypoechoic) can Image 6 appear to swirl (haemoabdomen; Im be a normal finding and assessment of quantity Image 4 Heterogeneous fluid is usually consiste is subjective and intestinal difficult. Haemorrhagic rupture. fluid is homogeneously echogenic and may appear to swirl (haemoabdomen; Image 8). mage 4 Heterogeneous fluid is usually consistent with intestinal rupture. Image 5 Image 8 Image 6 5 6 Image 8 Image 5 4 Left middle third – move the probe systematically around the middle one third Image 6 of the abdomen. Assessment of small intestinal loops and presence of gas filled colon can be assessed in this position. 4 Left middle third – move the probe systematically around the middle one third of the abdomen. Assessment of small intestinal loops and presence of gas filled colon can be this position. Left assessed middle in third - move the probe systematically Image 7 Image 8 Cranial Ventral Tho in the intercostal spa to the right triceps m the cranioventral ab 7 Cranial Ventral Your Thorax complete – place the an p Cranial Ventral Thorax 04 – place the probe Image 8 in the intercostal space immediately ca right triceps muscle, ventrally to in the intercostal space immediately caudal to the the cranioventral Image 7 abdomen, including 4 of the triceps to the muscle, ventrally to visualise ddle third – move the middle probe around the one right third abdomen. Assessment Cranial Ventral Thorax – place the probe 7 tically around the middle one third of small intestinal loops and presence of gas filled colon in the the intercostal space immediately caudal the cranioventral abdomen, including liver. can be in this position. bdomen. Assessment of assessed small intestinal mage 5 210 x 275 Article - April.indd 2 nd presence of gas filled colon can be d in this position. Image 7 to the right triceps Your muscle, ventrally animal to visualise complete imaging s the cranioventral abdomen, including the liver. 210 x 275 Article - April.indd 2 Your complete animal imaging solution