Equine Health Update EHU Vol 20 Issue 03 | Page 51

Executive Committee News | EQUINE Some of the important points were: • Brief pregnancy nutrition, important minerals and vaccinations before parturition • Importance of remembering to open a caslicks. • Group paddocking and ensuring multiple water points • A brief time line and markers leading up to parturition – udder, waxing, muscle softening etc. • Ventral oedema and early milk → when it is and isn’t an issue. Distinction between watery milk and colostrum milk. • Stable preparation and bedding recommendations • She discussed parturition and the immediate postpartum care of the mare and the foal • She made recommendations of staying on the phone with the client while the mare foals in case there are issues rather than trying to drive there at the same time. • Understanding that mares are capable of delaying labour and explaining this to an excited client • Timeline of how long it should take for the foal to come out and when to be worried • Difficult birthing and the correct way to pull a slightly stuck foal out • How to get the placenta out safely and intact and the correct way to position the placenta. The time it can take to come out in and what to do if it doesn’t. Recommendations on how to lavage a uterus if needed • Red bag deliveries, its implications and action required. • Umbilicus treatment and her personal preferences • Ensuring that the mare is ok - she is generally overlooked as everyone is so concerned with the foal • Dealing with foal rejection and things to try or how to get a surrogate to accept an orphan foal • She then went through the vital neonatal parameters and when she would recommend referral for further treatment. • Timelines and gender variance of how long it should take for the foal to stand and to feed. When to intervene and help. Checking suckle reflexes and dummy foals • Importance of colostrum, when it needs to be consumed by, freezing some for storage and IgG snap tests and what needs to happen if the foal doesn’t receive sufficient IgG. The critical time to get a plasma transfusion done. • Revising foal parameters and how they change over a couple days • Signs of a sick foal – what is normal for a foal and the subtle signs of a sick foal • Continued treatment of the umbilicus and early signs of infection • Dangers of how easily they get heatstroke • Normal foal tendon slackness and its changes and when treatment might be needed for upright foals. • She also demonstrated an efficient way to restrain a foal that is safe for both the vet and the foal. • I believe the talk was very well received and there were a good number of questions that followed the talk. Practical knowledge is critical to making a well rounded equine vet. Endurance Report The first endurance ride that we arranged for the students to attend was SAIC (also known as the Tri-nations), which was from 27 – 30 April at Bona Bona Game lodge. Dr. Albertus Coetzee was very generous in arranging for accommodation and food. The students got to assist some of the best equine vets at the lanes. Here they learned what to look for while doing a lameness evaluation during trot outs, as well as what would be regarded as normal vitals for these athletes during clinical exams. The students also assisted the treatment vets and each were assigned their own horse(s) to monitor, frequently measure • Volume 20 Issue 3 | October 2018 • 51