Buy in bulk
If you have spent time etching, you
probably already know that the
only way to maintain a fine, inscale stroke is to change blades frequently. That is because
etching utilizes the tip of the blade, and those wear down
rapidly. If you are purchasing
the five-pack of standard (#11)
Xacto blades, this can become
expensive. While most craft
stores only stock the smaller containers, office supply
stores often carry 40-count
boxes in their drafting department. It is also possible
to purchase 100-count boxes
through online retailers.
The per-blade cost savings
are significant. A recent price
check found the following difference:
5-count: 59¢
40-count: 34¢
100-count: 19¢
Liquid masking tool
For artists that use latex masking fluids like Miskit when
airbrushing models, it can be a challenge to find the right
tool to apply the product. Liquid latex dries quickly, so a
gummy residue builds up on tools, pulling up the areas
of the mask that have begun to dry. The new Fineline Applicator eliminates that problem. Using a squeeze bottle
with a hypodermic needle for the tip, this tool makes
it possible to apply masking fluid in a clean, fine line.
The wire-and-cap lid prevents the needle
from clogging, though the applicator uses a
standard screw-on hypodermic tip that can
be removed and soaked in ammonia - or
replaced entirely with a new hypodermic.
One bottle with masking fluid retails for
$12.75, while a package of two empty applicators is $10.89. Replacement wire-andcap lids and needle combinations can be
purchased in sets of three for $10.58.
Removing latex
The best way to ensure easy removal
of a latex mask is to use fresh latex
and peel it away from the model
as promptly as possible. Even with
those precautions