Many Muslim Americans are still being discriminated after the bombing of the twin towers on September 11, 2001. Muslims were called by many slurs, like terrorists, son of Osama Bin Laden, bomber, murderer and many more. Before this event, everyone was living in a peaceful harmony and there was no prejudice against them. Saeeda Batool, a Muslim teenager, was asked how she thought all this hatred towards Muslims began and she clearly said that it was because of the media. “Media is the major reasons for the problems and hatred towards Muslims.” In addition, she also states that News are biased, they release what they want their people to hear. Furthermore, she says that most people are naïve; they easily let their minds to grasp on to news that is not true or biased.
There are many articles and news shown on television that shows the malevolence of Islam and its preachers. For example, lets’ take a look at the event of Sandy Hook school shooting and the Boston Bombing. The media was quick to conclude that Boston Bomber was a Muslim. While the Sandy Hook shooter, Adam Lanza, was described as a “ white man.” What was the media trying to introduce to the readers? Why couldn’t they also tell the people Adam Lanzas religion? Does this show how the media is trying to initiate loathing towards Muslims?
Saeeda Batool was given a scenario; she was asked if a Hispanic male stole something, would she blame their entire nation for his crime. Kindly, she answered “No, I believe that there is always a bad person within every race and it’s not correct to assume that all Hispanic people are shoplifters. It’s the same thing in this situation, if a Muslim man did actually commit the crime, it wouldn’t be fair to say all Muslims are bombers. It just doesn’t make sense to do that.” Therefore it’s not justified to categorize people because there is always a bad person within a race.