Equality & Diversity Issue 1 | Page 16



Equally diverse

The LGBT is a community conformed by Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual, and Transexual. For people that are new in this topic, Lesbians are women that like their own sex, Gays are men that like other men, Bisexual are women or men that like both genders, and Transexual are women or man that change their gender. In the XXI century the LGBT community have an important role in the society, but this would not be possible if they weren't able to overcome all the problems that they have through history also this does not mean that at present they do not have problems on the contrary this community continues having problems. In the present it exist many foundations or organizations that help this community to be more influicent in the society also this community have their important people that influences the society.

The LGBT community have many problems through history, some of them were the “lavender scare” and the march of 1972. In 1950 when the lavender scare occurs the “Federal and state government investigated and fired thousands of employees who were suspected of being gay or lesbian, claiming that they were security risk” (CITE ) this mean that gay people was persecuted and discriminated in the 1950. In 1972 the gay community made a march for their rights causing that some countries, states, and cities accept this community also this march made possible the Gay Right Platform. But this community continue having problems in moderns days, for example in schools they don't provide information of gender equality or they paid instructors to teach the kids that been homosexual is for criminals or it goes against the church.

LGBT in the XXI Century

Problems and important members and activists

It's our time!

To stop discrimination and accept everyone for who they are.