Equality and Diversity vol.1 | Page 4


A New Perspective

The LGBT community has been around our history as humans for a long time, uniting the people that have different sexual attractions from the heterosexuals. At the start, people thought this was a wrong act and that they should be separated from each other, they were viewed as freaks or weirdos. People couldn’t understand why they had those attractions towards the same sex and why they wanted to change their sexuality. The LGBT community hasn’t been totally accepted yet by the majority of people. They keep on getting separated and it will not stop for a long time.

During the 1900s, the world didn’t have a definitive way of calling those who had different attractions from the heterosexuals at the time. But terms like “homosexual” and “bisexual” started appearing in the second half of the 19th century and later on, in the 20th century, the term “lesbian” was born as well, But through the years the term “gay” was born and was highly used since then to describe people who was attracted to the same sex. Other hispanic countries were still using the term homosexual and bisexual to describe themselves. the term “transexual” was born and was basically when someone thinks that their physical bodies don’t really describe their sexual identity, they undergo physical changes to fit and identify with the idea they have of themselves. By the 90s, people started to see that these terms were connected to a common movement and from that point onwards, they used the first letter of these terms to form what is known as the LGBT community/movement.

In today’s society, There’s still no total acceptance in them being part of it, it’s still considered as weird, lots of pain have been spread out towards them and even though there has been an exponential progress since the people started identifying themselves, there’s still a lot of self-hate around the world that are the results of the oppression that people brought towards the LGBT community. Take religious cases which say that a man being with another is an abomination and that they should be killed or when male aggressors take up on machismo and attack gay couples and distance themselves from them because they are afraid of being identified by them as gay as well. These examples spur a “reason” for people to keep on oppressing them and separating them from society. Even cake shops won’t do wedding cakes for them because of reasons and convictions and it’s the same with renting venues and inn to until the wedding day. The pain from the past still lingers with them and is eventually destroying them from the inside and causes them to lose control of themselves, these past experiences cannot be washed away completely, but people have accepted them and learned to live with those memories, it has made them strong and resilient towards the hate from the world. This group has become an inspiring force for people around the world and they’re going to keep on growing. There are still a lot of people who are afraid and unsure of what they truly feel and can’t manage to properly identify themselves in our society, but the people who oppress them feel like LGBT members are unusual and should not exist in the world with us, people will not be able to understand and cope with it and these are some common reasons. It’s unnatural, God didn’t make a man to be this way, They can set bad examples for kids, and if gay/lesbian couples adopt, the kid will find it difficult to deal with it. Because of this there’s still so much hate for them and the oppression won’t stop there.