Equalities Report | Page 5

5 Executive Summary Ayrshire College is committed to ensuring that equality is mainstreamed within the culture of the College and in all College activity in order to raise aspirations, increase opportunities and inspire achievement. The Equality Act 2010 and the Public Sector Equality Duty contained within the Act require all public authorities to publish the following information by 30 April 2015: > A report on mainstreaming the general duty (which includes employee information) (regulation 6) and how we have given due regard to the general duty in contractual conditions and award criteria in procurement (regulation 9) > A report on progress made towards achieving our set of equality outcomes > Gender pay gap information, (regulation 7) (this will include a statement on equal pay for gender, race and disability) (regulation 8) > The information should be published in an accessible manner (regulation 10) This report is a single document that provides an update on our progress, it is publicly available and presented in an accessible manner. The report provides information on the actions agreed to deliver each equality outcome, along with information on activities delivered during the reporting period 2013-2015. The report also details the areas of focus for the next reporting period from April 2015-2017. www.ayrshire.ac.uk