Equalities Report | Page 40

40 Values, Inclusion, Equality and Wellbeing Steering Group A Values, Inclusion Equality and Wellbeing (V.I.E.W) Steering Group has been developed with staff and student representatives from across Ayrshire College. This group supports a culture of Values, Inclusion, Equality and Well-being, so that all staff and students have a fair chance of reaching their potential. Staff members, students and partners made their commitment to our VIEW through signing the VIEW pledge at each of our three main campuses at the end of November when the group was launched. The College is committed to celebrating equality and diversity and ensuring all students have a positive experience in College, and that everyone is treated equally, and with mutual trust and respect. The VIEW steering group has a key role in this through removing barriers, encouraging further access to learning, promoting equality of opportunity and developing a culture which is inclusive and supports individual needs. The VIEW steering group also has a lead role in challenging discrimination, advancing equality and promoting good relations between different groups. Ayrshire College Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Equality 2013-15