Equalities Report | Page 25

25 Of all enrolments 15.5% (2,408) had a Personal Learning Support Plan (PLSP). 84.5% (13,163) of all enrolments did not have a PLSP. Personal Learning Support Plans by Type 2013-14 DPG 18 5.4% ELS 10.1% Breaking this figure down further to specific types of PLSP, 5.4% (836) of all enrolments had an Extended Learning Support PLSP to support mainstream course completion and 10.1% (1,572) had a Dominant Programme Group 18 PLSP and were part of a differentiated course. Of all enrolments, 1.10% of students disclosed having mental ill health. Given a key priority of Equality Outcome 3 is to increase disclosure of mental ill health the College continues to focus on this area to increase disclosure rates, to promote the rationale of why disclosure is important and continue to foster an inclusive culture. With a further key priority of Equality Outcome 3 being a trend reduction in the gap between male and female students declaring a mental health need, the Equality and Inclusion team in particular will work with colleagues in Performance and Planning to record and monitor gender changes in respect of mental health. The current figures show the gender split weighted to more females (68%) disclosing mental ill health in comparison to males (32%). This gender split is representative of national figures where it is shown more females seek help in comparison to males. www.ayrshire.ac.uk