Equalities Report | Page 23

23 The graph demonstrates how gender continues to impact upon course selection in the traditional ‘male’ and ‘female’ subject areas. It is however encouraging to note that females are over represented in Maths (65.17% female, 34.83% male). It is also encouraging that the Computing area have 31.42% females. The College will continue to take proactive steps to encourage fair and balanced gender representation throughout all courses and particularly those traditionally seen as either ‘male’ or ‘female’ orientated. Student Age Profile 2013-14 45.00% 40.20% 40.00% 34.30% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 19.50% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.60% 5.00% 0.00% Under 16 16-19 20-24 25+ The age profile of student enrolments in 2013-14: enrolments for those under 16 constituted 5.6% (879) of total enrolments. Enrolments of those 16-19 years old constituted 40.2% (6,264) of the total enrolments. Enrolments of those 20-24 constituted 19.5% (3,044) of total enrolments and enrolments of those 25 and over constituted 34.3% (5,342) of total enrolments. There were 42 (0.3%) who did not have an age group recorded against their enrolment. The high level of enrolment from 16-24 year olds (59.8%) reflects the drive from Scottish Government for Further Education Colleges to focus support on this age category. The 2011 census suggests that the age profile within Ayrshire is wider and more complex. The Government www.ayrshire.ac.uk