Equalities Report | Page 19

19 Economic profile In relation to the industry sectors in which Ayrshire residents are working, the Census shows that the main sectors are health, retail, manufacturing, construction and public administration/ education. The percentage of the working population employed in manufacturing (9.7%) is significantly higher than the Scottish average (7.7%), as is the percentage working in health (17.5% vs 15.0%). There is also a higher percentage of the working population employed in retail (16.3% vs Scottish average of 15.0%). More recent labour market analysis illustrates that health (20%), retail (13%) and manufacturing (10%) are the largest employing sectors in the region, demonstrating a significant increase in employment in health, a more modest increase in those working in manufacturing and a significant fall in the proportion of the working population in retail. In relation to the occupations of the working population the Census illustrates that, of the three local authorities, South Ayrshire’s profile is closer to Scotland’s. The profiles for East and North Ayrshire are similar with the highest percentage of occupations being Skilled Trades; Professional, Elementary; Caring, Leisure and Service; and Associate Professional and Technical. Generally, East and North Ayrshire have a lower percentage than the Scottish average working in management, professional and technical, and associate professional and technical occupations. They also have a higher percentage employed as process plant and machine operatives, and in elementary occupations. The percentage employed in the three local authority areas in skilled trades and the care and service sector is significantly higher than the Scotland average. Ayrshire College will continue to support the key economic sectors identified by the Scottish Government, a ́ݕ