Equalities Report 2015-2017 | Page 45

Progress The College continues to develop its Promoting Mental Wellbeing action plan and recently, it has had renewed direction following the relaunch of the VIEW Steering Group. The new Equality Outcomes 2017-2021 reference the plan as a key action to facilitate the overall College focus on improving student and staff mental health and wellbeing Student disclosure of mental ill health at enrolment stage has increased overall in comparison to the earlier review in April 2015 Staff disclosure however, remains lower than expected. A project is now planned to bring focus to this area of activity A pilot Mindfulness 8-week course for staff introduced in academic year 2015-2016. The pilot was successful with participants reporting benefits felt in relation to wellbeing and working life More female students in academic year 2016-2017 disclosed having a mental health condition in comparison to male students. These figures of disclosure in relation to gender (25.6% male; 74.3% female) are broadly similar to previous academic years College-wide campaign #mymentalhealthmatters month continues to strengthen each year since its inception with positive impacts felt in challenging stigma and signposting supports Recent appointment of a student Mental Health and Wellbeing Advisor to promote positive mental health and wellbeing Annual all Staff Wellbeing Days Clear referral pathways have now been developed 45