Equal Rights + Sexual Minorities 1 | Page 34

Justice Roy Moore Team Member Name: Devin Fowles Publication: The Buffalo News Date: 1/08/2016 Cartoonist: Adam Zyglis, U.S. Title of cartoon: Justice Roy Moore Cartoon# 15 What action is taking place in the cartoon? What is the context? Roy Moore is an army veteran and a grandfather, He’s held many different titles since he graduated with a law degree from the University of Alabama in 1977 (Mark Berman, February 2015, pg 1). Recently Justice Roy Moore has drawn attention to himself by taking a stand against gay rights, issuing an edict ordering his probate judges not to sign marriage licenses for gay couples (Barry Lynn, February 2016). The Cartoon Depicts Justice Roy Moore encased in a wooden hammer used mainly by judges to issue a ruling of a certain case. This sign shows Moore in a negative aspect depicting that he should be locked up instead of issuing edicts to change what he doesn’t believe in. The Hammer is a symbol for finality, meaning that’s how it should be. The end. We all know how final the judges hammer is. The judge makes his decision, speaks to the defendant about his sentence (if he’s guilty) and smacks the hammer. What “reality” is constructed/framed about your issue? The cartoonist sheds light on Justice Moore in a negative light. Showing in the cartoon that the Justice should be locked up instead of having a free reign to do what he desires. The Cartoonist uses Framing by Themes, hence the Jailcell/hammer, and uses Framing by Stereotypes by showing a sad Justice Moore, encased in a jail cell/ Judges hammer. It’s ironic that the justice is jailed in a hammer, he being a justice he would be well acquainted with a judges hammer. Tone of the cartoon: Bibliography: Lynn, B. (2016, February). Church & State. Retrieved March 28, 2016, from https://www.au.org/church-state/february-2016church-state/perspective/roy-moore-an-alabama-judge-who-happens-to-be Berman, Mark. “Who Is Roy Moore? The Judge at the Center of Alabama’s Muddled Gay Marriage Situation.” Washington Post. The Washington Post, 9 Feb. 2015. Web. 29 Mar. 2016. Zyglis, Adam. “CagleCartoons.com - View Image.” CagleCartoons.com - View Image. 8 Jan. 2016. Web. 30 Mar. 2016. 33 1) positive or negative framing of the issue 2) framing is supportive of or opposed to supporters 3) framing is supportive of or opposed to opponents 34